Hello, I’m
Alexandre Thorpe

I am a dedicated UI/UX Designer based in Brazil, with 4+ years of experience, known for crafting innovative interface designs for global businesses

Button with Chat Bubble Let's Talk 💬
Portfolio Button Portfolio

My mission is to empower you and your business with innovative solutions that turn challenges into opportunities. Through strategic process design, I craft digital products that are not only functional but transformative. Beyond that, my expertise extends to holistic business solutions that drive sustainable growth and lasting success.

How can I help?

Fully Responsive 2x2 Grid
UX/UI Specialist
Specializing in user-centric UX/UI design from concept to execution for a seamless digital experience.
Digital Transformation Mentorship
Enabling digital transformation through innovative UX/UI design solutions.
UX Research
Learning what end users of a system or product need and want, then employing those insights to products.
Brand Identity
Produce designs across a variety of formats, platforms social media, and more.